Monday, May 15, 2017

Chelsea Shafer - May 15th

Today started like any other day with an amazing breakfast made by my casa mom, Angelita, and then we drove to the Jose Marti Center to have class. After that we went to La Luecita for a lunch that was made right in front of us. One of our own, Jordan, even got to help the chef prepare the vegetables for a beef and veggie stew sort of main course that was paired with a chicken dish and then rice and beans and banana chips. Everyone loved the banana chips, including me, but the next course wasn’t as welcomed by the majority. In Cuba, they like to pair sweet and sour things together. For dessert, we had sweet papaya with grated cheese on top. Papaya generally is not very sweet, in my opinion, but here they prepare it by picking and slicing it before it is ripe and boiling it with honey, sugar, and cinnamon to make it sweet and mushy. Its similar to fruit cocktail. Now can you imagine fruit cocktail with shredded cheese on top? I couldn’t either. Cubans apparently love it, but a lot of us just couldn’t get into it!

Then we traveled to Callejon de Hamel. Callejon de Hamel is an alley in Havana dedicated to the afro Cuban culture. Something I noticed immediately was all of their seating and some decorations were made of bath tubs! I found that to be so creative and practical, the decorators found use of a bathtub beyond what I’m sure many people would have. Actually, I’m not so sure about the practicality aspect… I asked RJ to take a picture of me sitting on one of the bath tubs, so I plopped down and immediately my bottom and legs started burning! I jump up and told RJ how hot it was and he told me he would take the picture quickly so I braved the heat for a few seconds for the sake of commemorating the bathtubs benches. If I would have thought it through, I would have realized that the sun had been beating down on it, so of course it would be hot, but that didn’t register ahead of time! Luckily, I fully recovered from the surprise and the heat! The alley was very colorful and had quotes in Spanish and unique decorations posted throughout. One of my favorites said a phrase along the lines of the bad actions of a man are never forgotten and the good actions live forever. If you think about it, they really mean the same thing, the different actions are just framed differently, but I just took it as everything you do matters. Your actions show people if you are good or bad. Callejon de Hamel was very festive and overall a very interesting place to spend time. I still have some plans for tonight, but it has already been an exciting day! 

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