Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tamara Lipsa - May 23rd

We started our last Tuesday with a debrief at the Centro de Estudios Martianos. Josh wanted everyone to update the group on how they were doing both physically and mentally. Most people told the group that they were ready to go home, but where also looking forward to the remainder of our program. We do have a lot of free time, so if there are still things we want to see for ourselves, we are free to explore.

After debrief the group split into our two groups. One group went with RJ and our tour guide Orlando to start our first day working at Muraleando, a cultural center a little ways from the city. The other group headed out towards the Organoponico, which is a completely organic farm that grows everything from Avocados to Bananas. I was in the group that helped the workers at the cultural center. First, we were shown around the property. We saw all the art they had to offer, and got to work shortly after. Some wood was cleared and then the team started clearing a path in front of a fence in order to gain access to it. Afterwards, we got to see a group perform upstairs and we danced with them. It was a good opportunity to practice what we learned in our Salsa class that we had a week before.

Tired, we all got onto the bus and headed towards the National Botanical Garden, which I have been wanting to see since I’ve heard about it. We got a tour while on the bus when we first entered the park. I didn’t know that Cuba housed the world’s largest botanical garden, the institution occupies a little more than 600 hectacres and has trees from most every continent. My favorite part of the tour was the Baobab trees. We read about them in my AP French class, and it was really interesting to see them for myself. We stopped at the garden’s restaurant to have lunch. Our food was all vegetarian, which was a nice change of pace. It was nice to take in the scenery of the garden for a bit.

After lunch, the group piled back on the bus and we finished the tour. We got to go inside the greenhouses and see their collection of cacti and succulents, more than I’ve ever seen. The architecture of the greenhouse itself was very interesting, the buildings where shaped like triangles. Most of the girls in my homestay took time to relax when we got back from out trip. After dinner, a lot of us went for a walk to this pastry shop a few of us found earlier in the program. It was really nice to slow down and spend time with people without having to worry about a schedule. 

Our professor RJ helping out at the Muraleando worksite

Scenery outside the Muraleando

A view of the Japanese section of the National Botanical Garden

The Cactus and Succulent Greenhouse at the National Botanical Garden

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